Earth Day Art Competition Winners!

29th April 2024

Earth Day Art Competition Winners!

As part of our Earth Month celebration ❤️ 🌎 , the Bluepoint Wind team partnered with United Way of Greater Newark to hold an Earth Day art challenge around the theme, “Newark Through My Eyes.” We received over 75 submissions from #Newark public school students that included sculptures using recycled materials, mixed media, paintings, and other unique mediums. We received so many outstanding, creative pieces that it was difficult for our team to settle on a grand prize winner. In the end, it was a two-way tie.

Congratulations 🎉 to the winners 👨‍🎨 of our first Earth Day art competition, Darianny Ramirez from Arts High School and Victoria Cunha  & Jonathan DeSouza from Wilson Avenue School!

Winners received bundles of art materials 🎨 🖌 to continue their creative pursuits and are featured here on our page and the United Way’s social media account. Check out the winning pieces below. Next week, we will be highlighting several runner ups and their sustainability-themed pieces! 

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